Some people call it as spamtraps and few technically called honeypots. These are just looks like email addresses but not created for communication purposes, they just created to identify the spam. As a result, any mailer that sends to these addresses can be dubbed a spammer.

Avoid invalid email addresses by using confirmed opt-in or double opt-in. By requiring all your subscribers to verify their address, you can ensure your list is never contaminated with an invalid address that at best will bounce back , and at worst case is in a spam trap.

Usually spamtrap comes with purchased lists, typo mistakes from your subscriber forms and fake form submissions at your website or app with invalid email addresses.

What will happen when you send emails to spamtraps ?

For sure it will ruin your IP reputaion. As a result, it will effect deliverability of your sending domain or IP. But the impact of hitting a spamtrap can be vary depending on few variables like the type of trap you hit, how many times you hit, and how the spam trap operator handles things at their end.

These are the top 3 reasons why you shouldn’t send to spamtrap :

1) Your sending reputation gets affected badly. It causes more number of bounces than normal and also, the percentage of emails that going to the inbox will decrease gradually.

2) Your IP addresses may be added to blacklist databases and if in worst cases those spam traps managed and maintained by major ISP’s like gmail or yahoo, they will either temporarily or permanently blacklist your sending domain.

3) If in case you hit a trap, operated by any antispam organizations, for example take Spamhaus, the delivery of your emails to all the ISPs as well as companies who are consulted or coordinated with them will be affected because they use this information to filter their incoming emails at their receiving servers.

To avoid this kind of problems use recent engaged users only and remove bounced, never opened and old subsribers if any from all your lists. If you have concerns to identify those kind of emails then, try using a email verifier to filter invalid mail addresses from your lists.

Segmenting your lists based on the recipient activity wise like opens, clicks always helps you to increase your sender reputation and boost your sales.

Inboxing always depends on your list quality, user engagement and Domain or IP Reputation.

So,what are you waiting for. If you want to start email marketing campaigns to boost up your sales reach us.

Read more about The Best Email Deliverability Guide !

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