Welcome to our quick email marketing strategy guide 2019.

Email marketing remains the most powerful marketing channel right now. But you should follow tactics to approach your business goals through email marketing.

In this article we will show you how to get started and take your email marketing to another level. You will get higher click through rates and conversion rates only with the best email marketing strategy.

Its all started from List Building to Scheduling campaigns.

1) Make sure if you have a website or any business get your customers attention into your newsletter subscription form. You have to build a list of subscribers to send email marketing campaigns.

2) Understand your target audience & analyze the current situation: Know more about your target audience by conducting surveys or sending feedback forms. Segment your contact list based on the results.

3) Define your email marketing goals and objectives: Ask yourself what you want to achieve through email marketing ? You want to generate more sales or promoting new products or services. Otherwise you want to generate more leads for future product launches or to improve your conversion rates.

4) Choose the best Email Service Provider. We at Sendjot always ready to help your email marketing campaigns gets delivered into recipient inboxes.

5) Design a Mobile Responsive or Mobile Friendly email template with proper content. It really helps you to get more conversion rate for your email marketing campaigns.

6) Create a Test Campaign before sending out to your subscribers. Its always recommened to that when you are sending with new email template. Because if any issues in template or links you will come to know instantly.

7) Once all tests done then schedule it in right time where your subscribers are active and like to read your email.

8) There it is.. Once the customer ready to place the order make sure it should be tracked at your end.

9) Monitor the user engagement and check for the bounce or unsubscribe rate if any. These are all the key points to build your sender reputaion at ISPs. Makesure you remove less engaged users from the list and send to the most engaged user on regular basis.

10) Repeat the same untill you gets the improvement in your email marketing campaigns.

So,what are you waiting for.If you want to start email marketing campaigns to boost up your sales reach us.

Feel free to contact us for email marketing strategies and best practices, we would love to hear from you contact@sendjot.com


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