Did you hear about Affiliate Tracking Software or Performance Marketing Tracking Platform ? Where you can keep track of Impressions, Clicks, Leads & Sales from different sources.

If not, check this out –

Conversion tracking is must have functionality in your website, if incase you are promoting your website products or services online in 2021.

If you want to know what i mean, Let’s read this full article. For sure, you are going to learn new strategy today to optimize your online marketing campaigns in a better way.

So, Let’s Get Started –

Building a website and promoting your products/services online is one thing which comes under the one side of a coin. So, the lesser known fact is that, what about the other side of the coin. If you ask me, i would say its conversion tracking. Do you know why ? Let me explain this in detail and you will come to know how important it is. Also i’m sure that, by the end of my live example the exact question comes to your mind as well. That’s what the overall idea behind writing this article and get successful in optimizing online marketing campaigns.

There are 2 important cases we need to discuss in this article.

1) Let’s say in our first case, you are promoting your own website online from multiple channels by displaying banner ads in different websites , by investing in social media platforms like facebook/insta/tiktok , PPC campaigns or any other marketing channel which is available online today to promote or run online marketing campaigns. The whole idea is, you want more sales for your website and boost revenue. That’s what everybody looking for. But, did you ever notice or ask yourself , from where the leads/sales coming from out of those marketing channels ? & what are the click-through rates and conversion rates ? How effectively you are optimizing your campaigns.

For Example – You added funds in 3 campaigns in different platforms like google, facebook , tiktok and run campaigns parallelly. By the end of the day you get website visits and conversions from all campaigns. But, did you know which campaign performs better and which one not ?

Don’t tell me you are just assuming like, for 2 campaigns you spent most money so that you got more conversions & less conversions from the other one. If i say, you didn’t get not even a single conversion from the top 2 spending campaign and all the conversions coming from the less spent one, did you argue with me or ask us for a solution.. Right now you don’t know right.. Most of time people consider that, if more visitors coming from one source means getting more conversions from that campaign and less website visitors means less conversions from that. If you are also thinking same, then end that confusion now. It’s time to concentrate on CTR and CR.

Don’t know what is CTR & CR ?

It’s easy.. Let me explain in a simple way.

” If you are getting banner impressions and out of this most of users click on your ad, that means Click-through Rate (CTR) is in higher side. ”

” In the same way, visitors coming to your website and most of them signup at your website or purchase something.. That means your Conversion Rate (CR) is on higher side ”

This is what you have to consider for best results.

Let’s now re-think about the 3 campaigns.. May be you got amazing CTR and CR for less spending campaign and worst CTR & CR for huge investment campaign. Who knows this ? Something the technology between the campaign and conversion is missing right ? That’s what we developed for you. Let’s get detailed realtime tracking of each campaign conversions with CTR & CR and also track in detail additionally passing different subid’s to campaign url’s. Hope you understand this well. If you have any questions, lets contact us for live demo.

Now lets think about our second case.

2) Where you are not at all like to promote website by your own and instead going to promote it by giving to affiliates and pay commissions based on results. So, again how do know the conversion status and where are they coming from. & If it is from a particular affiliate then, by the end of the month how much you need to pay as affiliate commission for all the sales coming from particular affiliate ? If it is just one affiliate then you can manage it by your own. But, what if you have some interesting product/service and that leads to gain more attention for other affiliates to run your offers. Here we comes into the rescue. With our affiliate tracking software you can easily track Impressions, Clicks, Leads & Sales and also all the affiliate payouts calculated automatically by system itself. Just sit and relax by monitoring it from your dashboard itself. Well, that’s amazing right. What are you waiting for.

Click Here if you want to know, How to Create Your Own Affialite Program ?

Read More about The Best Email Deliverability Guide !

Feel free to contact us for affiliate tracking software or performance marketing tracking platform, we would love to hear from you. contact@cleverdrip.com


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