Do you want to know how your ROI increase with email marketing. Let’s have a look.

As we mentioned in our previous article ( Ultimate Email Marketing Strategy 2019 ) everything from list building to campaign scheduling plays an important role for successful email campaigning.

First thing, you should always remember that you have to target your recipients with right mails on right time. You need to ask yourself first why & how your email useful to your target audience.

Second thing, you need to personalize your email with Good Subject Line & Custom Email Fields. We at sendjot always try to give you new features and options to engage more with your customers. Makesure you upload list with multiple fields like headers contains Firstname, lastname, companyname, designation, email etc. There are more chances that users can open and read your mails if you send it with personalization.

& Finally you must use proper links in your text mailer or html mailer to redirect users into your website or app. Make good user friendly template designs and landing pages for better engagements and conversion rates.

Makesure you follow few basics before sending out your email marketing campaigns to get more sales. If you want to start email marketing campaigns to boost up your sales reach us.

Feel free to contact us for email marketing strategies and best practices, we would love to hear from you


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