DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is an email authentication technique that allows the receiver (or receiving system) to check that an email was indeed send and authorized by the owner of that domain. This is done by giving the email a digital signature. This DKIM signature is a header that is added to the message and is secured with encryption.

Mailbox providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Rediff and Microsoft (Hotmail, Outlook etc), detect the DKIM signature. This DKIM signature reveals which domain was used to sign the email in the encryption process. To validate the DKIM signature, the email receiver will run a DNS query to search for the particular public key of that domain. The variables provided in the DKIM signature are used to determine where to look for this key. If the key was found, it can be used to decrypt the DKIM signature back the to original hash values. These values are compared to the new values retrieved from the received mail. If they match, the DKIM was valid.

Once receiver or receiving system determines that an email is signed with a valid DKIM signature the chances are more to improve your email deliverability.

DKIM for domain – these entries are for example purposes only. TXT –


Once you generate it from server end or from application you need to access your domain DNS manager and have to publish as TXT record to make it work.

  • Log in to your domain / hosting account formerly know as cpanel of your domain.
  • Locate the page for updating your domain’s DNS records (something like DNS management or name server management).
  • Select the domain of which you want to modify the records;
  • Open the DNS manager
  • Create a new TXT record in the TXT (text) section.
  • Set the name as per your choice to identify easily.
  • Fill the TXT Value field with your DKIM record.
  • Specify the Time To Live (TTL), enter 3600 or leave the default.

Click “Save” or “Add Record” to publish the DKIM TXT record into your DNS.

Your new DKIM record can take up to 48 hours to go into effect. For help adding TXT records, contact your domain host.

And finally test your DKIM record with the DKIM Checker. You will come to know the DKIM record is valid or not.

That’t it ! You are good to go.

Read more about Domain-Based Message Authentication| DMARC

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